Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Donna Noble

Home Planet: Earth
Afflied With: The Tenth Doctor
First Apperance: Doomsday
Last Apperance: The End Of Time Part 2

Donna Noble a woman of mime, Biologial Meta -Crisis and Sensitivity. Donna first met the Doctor in her wedding Dress on Christmas Eve. The doctor and Donna save the day and the Doctor asks the important question. No, not will you marry me! Donna turns him down and regrets it. But one day while searching the internet she finds something fishy and reunites with The Doctor! while travelling with the doctor Donna meets the Addipose,Rose Tyler, Ood, Martha Jones,Sontarans, Hath, Jenny, Agatha Christie, a Giant Wasp, River Song, Vashta Nerada, Sarah Jane, Torchwood, The Daleks and Davros himself.